Lemon Chicken

Lemon Chicken

For me the definition of spring involves beautiful bright yellow lemons! In my parents house we used to have a lemon tree that gave beautiful, juicy, amazing lemons, perfect to cook with or even make limoncello, but sadly, during a backyard renovation the lemon tree died, and it is very sad because in Monterrey you cannot find this year round, or if you do they are very small, ugly and tart that you really don't want to buy them, so when it's lemon season I rejoice!


For me the juiciest part of the chicken is the thighs, bone-in, skin-on, so I love to use it in recipes where the chicken is going to be the main component, combining the crispy skin with lemon zest, you are going to love making this dish.

For spring we want fresh bright ingredients, that's why we love the combination of roasted veggie pasta and a super simple baby arugula salad. 


When I add lemons in my recipes I love to use all of the lemon that's why we use the lemon zest for the chicken and roasted veggies that go perfectly, and the lemon juice is perfect to make a simple vinaigrette for the arugula salad, additionally you can save some lemon wedges for the end and squeeze fresh lemon juice on top of your meal before eating.

This recipe is perfect for a weekday or weekend meal, you can make it for a dinner, or even for a Saturday lunch and eat it outside to enjoy the perfect spring days.

Yield: 2 servingsPin it

Lemon Chicken

prep time: 10 minscook time: 30 minstotal time: 40 mins

For spring we want fresh bright ingredients, that's why we love the combination of roasted veggie pasta and a super simple baby arugula salad.


  • 4 chicken thighs (chicken & bone)
  • 3/4 cup pasta
  • 1 cup brocoli florets
  • 1 carrot
  • 1/2 red pepper
  • 100g mushrooms
  • 1 rosemary sprig


  1. Preheat oven 450F. Boil water, add salt and cook pasta until al dente. 
  2. Cut broccoli, carrot, bell pepper and mushroom into small pieces, place a sheet pan (or oven safe dish) add lemon zest, salt and pepper, roast for 25 mins. 
  3. Prepare chicken thighs with lemon zest, salt and pepper. Heat a skillet over medium heat, cook chicken first skin side down to get crispy golden brown, cook it through with rosemary leaf and garlic clove. 
  4. In a bowl combine 1 tablespoon of lemon juice and 2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil, salt and pepper whisk to make a simple vinaigrette. When ready to serve add arugula and toss, optional add slivered almonds for extra flavor.
  5. Combine pasta and baked veggies, toss with a little extra virgin olive oil, salt and pepper to taste. 
  6. Place arugula on bottom of the plate, add the pasta and veggies, top with the chicken thighs and enjoy!
Created using The Recipes Generator
Yield: 2 porcionesPin it

Pollo con lima

preparación: 10 minscocción: 30 minstiempo total: 40 mins

Para primavera nos encantan los ingredientes brillantes y frescos por eso nos encanta la combinación de los vegetales asados con pasta y una super simple ensalada de arugula.


  • 4 muslo de pollo (piel & hueso)
  • 3/4 taza pasta
  • 1 taza broccoli
  • 1 zanahoria
  • 1/2 pimiento rojo
  • 100g champiñones
  • 1 rama romero fresco


  1. Precalentar horno450F. Hervir agua, agregar sal y cocinar pasta al dente. 
  2. Cortar broccoli, zanahoria, pimiento y champiñones en pedazos pequeños, agregar a una charola (o en un recipiente para horno) agregar ralladura de cáscara de limón, sal y pimienta, asar por 25 minutos.
  3. Preparar los muslos con ralladura de limón, sal y pimienta. Calentar un sartén a fuego medio, cocinar con la piel para abajo primero para piel crujiente, cocinar con romero y ajo.
  4. En un tazón combinar una cucharada de limón, 2 cucharadas de aceite de oliva extra virgen, sal y pimienta, mezclar para hacer una vinagreta simple. Cuando este listo para servir agregar arugula y combinar, opcional, agregar alemndras fileteadas para extra sabor.
  5. Combinar pasta y vegetales asados, combinar con aceite de oliva extra virgen, salpimentar.
  6. Agregar arugula al fondo del plato, después vegetales y pasta y arriba los muslos de pollo. Disfrutar!
Created using The Recipes Generator
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