Sun-Dried Tomatoes + Mushrooms + Spinach Pasta w/ Mascarpone

Sun-Dried Tomatoes + Mushrooms + Spinach Pasta w/ Mascarpone

This pasta is made with simple delicious ingredients I always keep at home, so this is one of my go to recipes when I did not plan ahead and looking for a delicious meal. Because of this this recipe has grown quickly into one of Bae’s favorites, so whenever we are making this pasta for lunch and dinner, we are very happy.

The recipe calls for a cooked chicken breast, which I added because I had extra already cooked in the refrigerator, but it can easily be made into a vegetarian option, just leaving out the chicken, the veggies and mascarpone cheese do the trick perfectly.


Many people ask why I use mascarpone cheese and not cream cheese, personally, I don’t love cream cheese, I rarely use it for my savory cooking, but do use it a few times when I am baking, and the mascarpone cheese for me has a creamier texture that melts beautifully, and a flavor that does not compare. For a simple creamy sauce, mascarpone cheese is my go to.

I use the sun-dried tomatoes oil to mix with the mascarpone, this loosens up the cheese and the oil gives it a little bit of extra flavor that translates heavenly to the pasta. If you buy you sun-dried tomatoes in a bag (with no oil) you can perfectly sub this for a good extra virgin olive oil.


You can make this recipe as the main dish or you can easily make it as a side to combine with a delicious salad or some stronger protein, I love when the recipes are flexible, where you can change ingredients, combine with other dishes and more.

One of the other advantages of this recipe is that it works year round, the ingredients are easy to find, and last a good while in the refrigerator when perfectly stored.

Yield: 2 servingsPin it

sun-dried tomatoes + mushrooms + spinach pasta w/ mascarpone

prep time: 10 minscook time: 15 minstotal time: 25 mins

Pasta is always a good idea, and when it involves these ingredientes, you will always be having good ideas.


  • 250g coccinelle pasta (or any other short pasta)
  • 1 large cooked chicken breast
  • 1/2 cup mascarpone
  • 225g cremini mushrooms
  • 60g sun-dried tomatoes
  • 50g baby spinach


  1. Bring a pot of salted water to a boil, add pasta and cook until al dente.
  2. Slice mushrooms, chop spinach  in thin strands, sun-dried tomatoes in small squares and chicken breast to small cubes.
  3. In a pot over medium heat with olive oil add mushrooms and cook until liquid has evaporated.
  4. When mushrooms are done add spinach, sun-dried tomatoes and chicken to pot and cook until ingredients are warmed up and spinach is wilted. 
  5. In a bowl add the mascarpone cheese, 2 tablespoons of the oil of sun-dried tomatoes (or extra virgin olive oil), salt and pepper to taste, combine and reserve.
  6. Combine mushroom mixture, pasta and mascarpone until cheese melted, taste for salt and pepper. 
Created using The Recipes Generator

Yield: 2 porcionesPin it

pasta de tomates deshidratados + champiñones + espinaca con mascarpone

preparación: 10 minscocción: 15 minstiempo total: 25 mins

Pasta siempre es una excelente idea, y cuando tiene estos ingredientes, siempre estarás tendiendo buenas ideas.


  • 250g pasta coccinelle (o cualquier otra pasta corta)
  • 1 pechuga de pollo cocinada
  • 1/2 taza mascarpone
  • 225g champiñones cremini
  • 60g tomate deshidratado
  • 50g espinaca baby


  1. Hervir una olla de agua con sal, agregar pasta y cocinar al dente.
  2. Rebanar champiñones, cortar tiras delgadas la espinaca, tomate deshidratado en pequeñas piezas y pollo en pequeños cubos. 
  3. En una olla a fuego medio cocinar los champiñones con aceite de oliva hasta que el líquido se haya evaporado.
  4. Cuando los champiñones estén cocidos, agregar la espinaca, tomates deshidratados y pollo, cocinar los ingredientes hasta que estén calientes y la espinaca se suavice.
  5. En un tazón agregar queso mascarpone, 2 cucharadas del aceite de los tomates deshidratados (o aceite de oliva extra virgen), sal y pimienta al gusto, combinar y reservar.
  6. Combinar mezcla de champiñones, pasta y mascarpone hasta que el queso se derrita, salpimentar al gusto.
Created using The Recipes Generator
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