Almond + Spinach Pesto

Almond + Spinach Pesto

My Sunday´s are usually crazy with brunch with BAEs family, lunch with my maternal grandparents, afternoon with my parents, sisters and nieces and nephews, so normally I don´t have time to cook, by the time we get home we are exhausted and order in food.

As a sign of magic one particular Sunday BAE had to work from home all day so I decided to step into my happy place (my kitchen) and cook.

If you follow me you know pasta is my weakness, so I decided to make fresh pasta, since it had been so long since I made if from scratch, and since I had all of the ingredients at home, I decided to make fresh beautiful pesto! I normally do the basil and pine nuts, but I had spinach and almonds, so I decided to change, and boy am I glad!

This has to be one of my favorite pesto combinations, it is so fresh, light and creamy, BAE does not like the traditional pesto, but when he tried this one his eyes began to sparkle and ate his whole plate and started to steal mine.

I literally could not stop eating, even though I was so full I needed to stop.

It is such a simple recipe, but so elegant and delicious at the same time, you can easily make this dish for a dinner party, or a side dish, or even for you vegetarian friends, they are going to go crazy for this recipe.

When making the pesto it is important to follow the recipe at the time of the food processor, I add all of the ingredients minus parmesan and EVOO, why? If you process your food long enough the machine starts to warm up and the cheese starts to melt, and you don’t want melted cheese in your pesto, it will throw off all of your recipe. The EVOO is also important not to over process, since it can become bitter and you will definitely taste that bitterness. So, first process all your other ingredients until almost smooth and then add the parmesan and EVOO being careful not to over process.

At the moment of combining the pasta and pesto be sure to have the reserved pasta water, it will help you loosen the pesto and get the creamy consistency you want.

Yield: 2 servingsPin it

Almond + Spinach Pesto

prep time: 10 minscook time: 10 minstotal time: 20 mins

This pesto combination is so fresh, light and creamy that nobody will resist the temptation of getting seconds.


  • 50g spinach
  • 25g almonds
  • 1/4 cup parmesan
  • 2 tablespoons lemon
  • 1 small garlic clove
  • 45ml extra virgin olive oil
  • fresh pasta or store bought


  1. In a small skillet add almonds and lightly toast with medium-high heat. Stir constantly to avoid burning. Remove and let cool.
  2. In a food processor add the spinach, almonds, lemon juice, and garlic, pulse until everything is processed.
  3. Add parmesan and half of the EVOO, and pulse until blended, add the rest of the EVOO and pulse until completely blended, do not over process. Add salt and pepper to taste.
  4. Bring a pot of water to boil, add salt and add your pasta and cook until al dente. Reserve 1 cup of the cooking liquid.
  5. In a bowl place the pasta and star add pesto, start mixing carefully to avoid breaking the pasta, add the pasta water 1 tablespoon at a time to loosen the pesto, until desired consistency.
  6. Divide into 2 bowls and enjoy!
Created using The Recipes Generator
Yield: 2 porcionesPin it

Pesto Almendras + Espinacas

prep time: 10 minscook time: 10 minstotal time: 20 mins

Esta combinación de pesto es super refrescante, ligera y cremosa que nadie podrá resistir la tentación de seguir comiendo.


  • 50g espinaca
  • 25g almendras
  • 1/4 taza parmesano
  • 2 cucharadas lima
  • 1 diente de ajo pequeño
  • 45ml aceite de oliva extra virgen
  • pasta fresca o de tienda


  1. En un sartén pequeño agregar almendras y tostar ligeramente a fuego medio. Revolver constantemente para prevenir que se queme. Remove y dejar enfriar.
  2. En un procesador de comida agregar la espinaca, almendras, jugo de lima y ajo, pulsar hasta que todo quede procesado. 
  3. Agregar parmesano y la mitad del aceite de oliva y pulsar hasta procesado, después agregar el resto de aceite y pulsar hasta que todo este mezclado, cuidar de no sobre-procesar. Agregar sal y pimienta al gusto. 
  4. En una olla de agua hirviendo, agregar sal y pasta para cocinar al dente. Reservar 1 taza del agua de la pasta.
  5. En un tazón poner la pasta y agregar el pesto, empezar a mezclar con cuidado para no cortar la pasta, agregar 1 cucharada de agua de pasta a la vez para diluir el pesto, hasta obtener la consistencia deseada.
  6. Dividir en 2 platos y disfrutar!
Created using The Recipes Generator
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