Fresh Pasta

Fresh Pasta

My Sunday's are usually crazy with brunch with BAEs family, lunch with my maternal grandparents, afternoon with my parents, sisters and nieces and nephews, so normally I don't have time to cook, by the time we get home we are exhausted and order in food.

As a sign of magic one particular Sunday BAE had to work from home all day so I decided to step into my happy place (my kitchen) and cook.

If you follow me you know pasta is my weakness, so I decided to make fresh pasta, since it had been so long since I made if from scratch, and lucky enough I had all of the ingredients at home.

Everybody thinks that making pasta from scratch is so complicated, but on the contrary, it is a definition of a good time for me. The ingredients and so basic that you probably have them all in your kitchen or pantry right now.

I have the Kitchen Aid pasta attachment, self-given present, and I love it, I have the pasta sheet, linguini and spaghetti attachments, and they are awesome, there are many more (that I am looking forward to adding to my collection).

Make this recipe a fun process, include your kids and/or husband and they will certainly thank you for it.

When making the pasta make sure to make a good well in order to avoid your eggs to get everywhere in your work station, start first with your fork to avoid getting your hand all sticky and messy, then you can change to your spatula when it is no longer to sticky and finally kneeding with your hands. You need to knead the dough until you poke it and you feel resistance bouncing back up. Wrap it in plastic and rest in fridge for 30mins.

After resting, cut the dough into 4 equal parts and work 1 part at a time, place a little flour in your board and with your rolling pin (if you don’t have one you can use a wine bottle, I recently did that because I could not find my rolling pin) and stretch out.

Place your pasta in the pasta roller on number 1 (the thickest setting), pass through it 2-3 times, folding the pasta in itself, this gives us the opportunity to shape the sheet into a rectangle. Then start going down in the numbers, and I pass it 2 times through each number in order to avoid straining the pasta and avoid breaks.

For this recipe I made capellini, which is very thin pasta, I rolled the pasta until number 6 and then passed it through the spaghetti cutter.

Place in a board with a little bit of flour and let rest for 20 mins.

The great thing of fresh pasta cooks very fast, capellini cooks in 2-3mins, so you don't have to wait long to enjoy your hard work.

The video for this recipe shows the process very well, so I recommend you watch the video first as guideline for the well, kneading and pasta rolling.

Yield: 2 servingsPin it

Fresh Pasta

prep time: 60 minscook time: 3 minstotal time: 63 mins

Everybody thinks that making pasta from scratch is so complicated, but on the contrary, it is a definition of a good time for me. The ingredients and so basic that you probably have them all in your kitchen or pantry right now.


  • 1 1/2 cups flour
  • 2 whole eggs
  • 2 egg yolks
  • 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
  • 1/2 teaspoon of salt


  1. With the flour make a small well and place the rest of the ingredients in the middle. With a fork start blending the wet ingredients and slowly add flour to the center and start combining.
  2. When dough is to thick to continue working with the fork change to the spatula and continue process. When almost everything is mixed and dough is not to sticky, start kneading with your hands.
  3. The kneading process takes about 20 mins aprox, when dough starts to get tough and when poked resists and bounces back up cover with plastic wrap and rest in refrigerator for 30 mins.
  4. Remove from refrigerator and cut into 4 parts, work 1 part at a time. First roll it out and then with your pasta maker attachment starting at number 1 pass it through a few times folding in itself to achieve a rectangle. Then start going down on the numbers passing 2 times on each number.
  5. For capellini number 6 is the width. Then change attachment to spaghetti cutter and pass through. Place in board with flour and let rest for 10 minutes.
  6. In a boiling pot of salted water add capellini and cook for 2-3 minutes.
Created using The Recipes Generator
Porciones: 2 porcionesPin it

Pasta Fresca

preparación: 60 minscocción: 3 minstiempo total: 63 mins

Muchas piensan que hacer pasta fresca es demasiado complicado, pero es totalmente lo contrario, es una definición de un buen tiempo para mí. Los ingredientes son super básicos que probablemente ya los tienes en tu cocina o despensa en este momento.


  • 1 1/2 tazas harina
  • 2 huevos completos
  • 2 yemas huevo
  • 1 cucharada aceite de oliva extra virgen
  • 1/2 cucharadita sal


  1. Con la harina formar un circulo y poner el resto de los ingredientes en el centro. Con un tenedor mezclar los ingredientes húmedos con la harina hacia el centro y empezar a combinar.
  2. Cuando la masa empiece a ponerse dura cambiar el tenedor por una espátula y continuar. Cuando ya todo este casi mezclado y la masa ya no este pegajosa, empezar a amasar con las manos.
  3. El proceso de amasado toma aprox unos 20 minutos, cuando la masa este dura y la picas con el dedo se resiste y rebota, cubrir con plástico y dejar reposar en el refrigerador por 30 minutos.
  4. Una vez reposada, cortar en 4 partes iguales y trabajar una sección a la vez. Primero se extiende con el rodillo y después con el accesorio para hacer pasta empezar por el número 1 para extender, hay que pasarlo varias veces plegándolo sobre si mismo para obtener un rectángulo.  Después empezar a bajar de números pasando 2 veces por el mismo número.
  5. Para capellini es el número 6 de grosor. Después pasar por el cortador de spaghetti. Dejar reposar en una tabla con harina por 10 minutos antes de cocinar.
  6. En una olla de agua hirviendo con salt agregar capellini y cocinar por 2-3 minutos.
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