Ginger + Soy + Balsamic chicken tacos

Ginger + Soy + Balsamic chicken tacos

This marinade is one of my staples, since I always have the ingredients at hand and goes perfectly with pork, chicken or beef. Many of you night think that adding the balsamic in this combination is weird, but on the contrary, it pairs perfectly with the soy and ginger that only accentuates the flavor and gives that extra umph!

I made this recipe with chicken since BAE does not love pork, but it could be perfect to do it with pork also.

When I did this recipe on my insta stories I made 1 bowl and 1 tacos, and the people voted that the tacos were better so here we are.

When making lettuce tacos I love to use French lettuce since it’s so soft and delicious, and the shape makes it a perfect nest for tacos, however, you can use whatever green you prefer.

I love white rice so I made this with sushi white rice, but you can definetly sub the rice for whole wheat rice or even quinoa. A little rice never hurt nobody!

For me the key to a rich and creamy sauce in making a few asia inspired recipes is the egg, I learned this trick from a friend who lived in China and it changed my life, it so does the trick and I love the final product.

Yield: 2 servingsPin it

Ginger + Soy + Balsamic Chicken tacos

prep time: 15 minscook time: 25 minstotal time: 40 mins

Tacos or bowls, this recipe is a great way to eat a delicious meal any day of the week.


  • 400g chicken breast
  • 1/8 cup balsamic vinegar
  • 1/8 soy sauce
  • 1 tablespoon fresh ginger
  • 1/4 cup vegetable oil
  • 1 1/2 tablespoon honey
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 1 cup sushi rice
  • 1 tablespoon rice vinegar
  • 1/4 cup edamames
  • 1 cup broccoli
  • 1/2 red pepper
  • 1 egg
  • french lettuce


  1. In a bowl place balsamic, soy sauce, minced or grated ginger, vegetable oil, honey, and mincer or grated garlic. Cut chicken into trips and place in the bowl to marinade for 10-15 minutes. 
  2. In a small pot place 1 1/2 cups water, bring to boil and add sushi rice, lower heat and simmer for 17 minutes or until all the water has evaporated. turn off heat and let rest for 5 mins. Remove from pot, place in a bowl, add the rice vinegar, combine and cover with a towel until ready to use.
  3. Cut broccoli into small florets and red pepper into small sticks, and reserve. When chicken is dine marinating, heat a skillet over medium heat and add chicken without excess marinade, reserve for sauce. 
  4. Cook chicken until cooked through and remove. in the same skillet add the veggies and cook until tender crisp, add remaining marinade and bring to boiling point, lower heat and add the cooked chicken, stir well together. 
  5. In the center of the skillet place the egg and quickly stir to scramble and stir to combine. 
  6. Assemble tacos: place a lettuce leaf, add rice and place the chicken and veggies on top and enjoy!
Created using The Recipes Generator
Yield: 2 porcionesPin it

Tacos de pollo con jengibre + soya + balsámico

preparación: 15 minscocción: 25 minstiempo total: 40 mins

En tacos o tazón, esta receta es algo delicioso que probar.


  • 400g pechuga pollo
  • 1/8 taza vinagre balsámico
  • 1/8 taza salsa soya
  • 1 cucharada jengibre fresco
  • 1/4 taza aceite vegetal
  • 1 1/2 cucharadas miel
  • 2 dientes ajo
  • 1 taza arroz de sushi
  • 1 cucharada vinagre de arroz
  • 1/4 taza edamame
  • 1 taza brocoli
  • 1/2 pimiento rojo
  • 1 huevo
  • lechuga francesa


  1. En una tazón combinar balsamico, soya, jengibre rayado, aceite vegetal, miel y ajo cortado. Cortar el pollo en tiras y marinar por 10-15 minutos.
  2. En una olla pequeña agrega 1 1/2 taza de agua, dejar hervir, agregar arroz de sushi, bajar la flama y dejar cocer a fuego lento por 17 minutos o hasta que toda el agua se haya evaporado. Apagar la flama, dejar tapado por 5 minutos. Poner en un tazón, agregar vinagre de arroz, combinar y dejar tapado con una toalla de cocina hasta uso.
  3. Cortar brocoli en pequeños ramilletes y pimiento en delgadas tiras. Cuando el pollo este marinado, agregar a un sartén a fuego medio sin marinado, reservar para después.
  4. Cocinar pollo completamente y reservar. En el mismo sartén agregar los vegetales y cocinar, agregar la salsa del marinado y hervir, bajar la flama y agregar pollo.
  5. En el centro del sartén agregar el huevo y batir rapidamente para combinar.
  6. Preparar tacos: en una hoja de lechuga agregar arroz y pollo.
Created using The Recipes Generator


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