Chicken + Mushroom Udon Soup

Chicken + Mushroom Udon Soup

Now that fall has started and chillier days are ahead this amazing super filling udon soup is the perfect bowl to keep you full and warm.


The udon noodles I bought them at Costco and they come precooked just need to be reheated and done, the texture is great and the taste amazing. They come in individual packets inside, making it perfect to portion.

The ingredients are super accesible, you can find them at the supermarket, and normally I have all this ingredients in my fridge, so I will add this recipe to my weekly rotation.


I try to do a meatless day once a week so this recipe is perfect for doing a vegetarian + dairy-free meal, you skip the chicken and substitute the chicken stock for vegetable stock.

Yield: 2 servingsPin it

Mushroom + Chicken Udon Soup

prep time: 10 minscook time: 20 minstotal time: 30 mins

This recipe is the perfect way to stay warm and cozy in the winter. The earthy and hearty ingredients will keep you full and satisfied all day long.


  • 250g cremini mushrooms
  • 2 green onions
  • 1 teaspoon ginger
  • 1 garlic clove
  • 1 chicken breast
  • 3 cups chicken stock
  • 2 packets udon noodles
  • 1 lime (optional)


  1. Slice mushrooms, thinly slice green onions (white and pale green parts only), mince garlic and ginger. Cut chicken into small pieces.
  2. In a pot over medium heat cook mushrooms with olive oil until juices have evaporated, season with salt and pepper.
  3. Add green onion, ginger and garlic cook until fragrant, aprox 30 seconds. Remove mushrooms from pot and reserve.
  4. Add chicken to pot with olive oil and cook until lightly browned. Return mushrooms to pot.
  5. Add chicken broth to pot, cover and bring to boil.
  6. Add udon noodles, cook until soft and warm, remove from heat. Divide soup between bowls.


Squeeze a little lime juice for extra flavor.
Created using The Recipes Generator
Yield: 2 porcionesPin it

Sopa Udon de Pollo + Champiñones

preparación: 10 minscocción: 20 minstiempo total: 30 mins

Esta sopa deliciosa lista para mantener caliente el estomago en esta época de frio. Los ingredientes deliciosos te mantendrán lleno y satisfecho todo el día.


  • 250g champiñones cremini
  • 2 cebollín
  • 1 cucharada jengibre
  • 1 diente de ajo
  • 1 pechuga de pollo
  • 3 tazas de caldo de pollo
  • 2 paquetes noodles Udon
  • 1 limón (opcional)


  1. Rebanar champiñones, cortar finamente cebollín (blanco y verde claro únicamente), cortar ajo y jengibre. Cortar pollo en trozos pequeños.
  2. En una olla a fuego medio cocinar champiñones con aceite de oliva hasta que el líquido se evapore, salpimentar.
  3. Agregar cebollín, ajo y jengibre hasta que se vuelva aromático, aprox 30 segundos. Remover champiñones de la olla y reservar.
  4. En la misma olla cocinar pollo hasta que quede bien cocido, regresar la mezcla de champiñones.
  5. Agregar caldo de pollo a la olla, tapar y dejar hervir.
  6. Bajar la flama, agregar los noodles udon y cocinar hasta que estén suaves. Dividir sopa en 2 platos y disfrutar.


Exprimir jugo de limón para sabor extra.
Created using The Recipes Generator
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