Roasted caprese salad with tortellini

Roasted caprese salad with tortellini

When I was grocery shopping I found these amazing cherry tomatoes in perfect yellow and red colors and immediately was inspired to roast them. When I got home I realized that I had some fresh mozzarella and basil from a caprese salad that I did earlier in the week and decided to do a roasted caprese salad. 

I was going to add some chicken to roast alongside but decided to do a meatless monday recipe with these amazing tortellini I had at hand, they are filled with mushrooms and ricotta, but really any type of tortellini would be delicious.


I love to use my broiler to quick roast cherry tomatoes, they pack such flavor that the broiler only increases it. I put my mozzarella in the broiler to melt, so it is important to use parchment paper to avoid the cheese sticking to the pan, however, if you prefer you can also just add the cubes at the end so they maintain their shape. Using the parchment paper also makes cleaning 99% easier!

This is such a fast and easy recipe, since there is so little prep and cooking time, so you can make this when you don't have a lot of time to cook, or even use this a side dish for some paninis or pizza. 

I love to use balsamic glace because it is so full of flavor and creamy, it is almost a sweet flavor, almost always when I am roasting I love to top it with glace instead of vinegar, I think the warm roasted vegetables pair perfectly with the thick, creamy and sweet flavor or the glace. For those of you wondering, the balsamic glace is made from a reduction of balsamic vinegar, so it is a more concentrated flavor. If you do not have any glace at hand balsamic vinegar is a perfect substitute.

Yield: 2 servingsPin it

roasted caprese salad w/ tortellini

prep time: 10 minscook time: 15 minstotal time: 25 mins

This is such a fast and easy recipe so you can make this when you don't have a lot of time to cook, or even as a side dish for some paninis or pizza.


  • 150 - 200g cherry tomatoes (red and/or yellow)
  • 100-115g fresh mozzarella
  • 3 slices of baguette
  • 1 cup tortellini
  • 4 basil leaves
  • extra virgin olive oil
  • 2 cups baby spinach
  • balsamic vinegar glace


  1. Bring a large pot of water, add salt and add tortellini to cook al dente, drain and reserve.
  2. Preheat broiler on high. Cut cherry tomatoes in half, mozzarella and baguette into small cubes.
  3. In a baking sheet lined with parchment paper combine ingredients, toss with salt, pepper and olive oil, place under broiler for 5 to 8 minutes (until bread is golden brown).
  4. In a bowl combine tortellini and spinach to soften, divide in 2 plates. Place the roasted goods on top.
  5. Take the basil leaves, roll them and cut them into thin strips and sprinkle half on each plate. 
  6. Sprinkle with extra virgin olive oil and balsamic glace to taste. 
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Yield: 2 porcionesPin it

Ensalada caprese horneada con tortellini

preparación: 10 minscocción: 15 minstiempo total: 25 mins

Esta es una receta simple y rápida que puedes hacer cuando no tienes tiempo de cocinar, o utilizarlo como acompañamiento para paninis y pizza.


  • 150-200g tomates cherry (rojos y/o amarillos)
  • 100-115g mozzarella fresca
  • 3 rebanas de baguette
  • 1 taza tortellini
  • 4 hojas de albahaca
  • aceite de oliva extra virgen
  • 2 tazas espinaca baby
  • glace vinagre balsámico


  1. En un olla grande a agua hirviendo agregar sal y tortellini para cocinar al dene, colar y reservar.
  2. Precalentar broiler en alto. Cortar tomatoes cherry a la mitad, mozzarella y baguette en cubos pequeños.
  3. En una charola con papel estrella combinar tomates, mozzarella, baguette con aceite de oliva, sal y pimienta, poner en broiler 5 a 8 mins (hasta que el pan quede ligeramente dorado).
  4. En un tazón combinar tortellini y espinacas para suavizar, dividir en 2 platos. Poner los ingrediente asados arriba.
  5. Tomar las hojas de albahaca y cortarlas en tiras delgadas y poner la mitad en cada plato. 
  6. Rociar con aceite de oliva extra virgen y glace balsámico al gusto.
Created using The Recipes Generator
Yield: 2 porciones

Ensalada caprese horneada con tortellini

prep time: 10 Mcook time: 15 Mtotal time: 25 M
Esta es una receta simple y rápida que puedes hacer cuando no tienes tiempo de cocinar, o utilizarlo como acompañamiento para paninis y pizza.


  • 150-200g tomates cherry (rojos y/o amarillos)
  • 100-115g mozzarella fresca
  • 3 rebanas de baguette
  • 1 taza tortellini
  • 4 hojas de albahaca
  • aceite de oliva extra virgen
  • 2 tazas espinaca baby
  • glace vinagre balsámico


How to cook Ensalada caprese horneada con tortellini

  1. En un olla grande a agua hirviendo agregar sal y tortellini para cocinar al dene, colar y reservar.
  2. Precalentar broiler en alto. Cortar tomatoes cherry a la mitad, mozzarella y baguette en cubos pequeños.
  3. En una charola con papel estrella combinar tomates, mozzarella, baguette con aceite de oliva, sal y pimienta, poner en broiler 5 a 8 mins (hasta que el pan quede ligeramente dorado).
  4. En un tazón combinar tortellini y espinacas para suavizar, dividir en 2 platos. Poner los ingrediente asados arriba.
  5. Tomar las hojas de albahaca y cortarlas en tiras delgadas y poner la mitad en cada plato. 
  6. Rociar con aceite de oliva extra virgen y glace balsámico al gusto.
Created using The Recipes Generator
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