Mushroom & Cheese Empanadas w/ Beet Salad

Mushroom & Cheese Empanadas w/ Beet Salad

Growing up empanadas were a regular meal in my house, my mom and nanny would make fresh empanada dough, lots of different fillings, deep fry them till golden brown crispiness is achieved and we devoured them.

I love freshly made empanada dough, however that takes time that not everyone has right now, specially me with a lot of work, so I had to find an alternative for that delicious meal an easy and healthy alternative. Browsing through Costco I found this beautiful precut empanada dough circles, and decided to try them, and I am so glad that I did.


The dough is heavenly, I feel is like a mix of the empanada dough and puff pastry, when put in the oven they puff up and cook deliciously, that pair perfectly with the earthy and rich mushrooms and mozzarella cheese filling.

The wonderful thing about these is you can have them in the refrigerator or freezer and ready to use whenever you are craving some good homemade empanadas.


I have yet to try frying them, but, looking forward to it, since they were so good in the oven, they are bound to be soo good in the deep frier.

I decided to pair these empanadas with a super simple but super yummy beet salad, I found some beets in my refrigerator and decided to roast them in the oven. The hardest part of this salad is waiting for the beets in the oven, because after that you just thinly slice it and pile on all of the good ingredients.

Yield: 2 servingsPin it

Mushroom & cheese empanadas w/ beet salad

prep time: 10 minscook time: 1 hourtotal time: 1 hours and 10 mins

These empanadas and salad are great to make for weekly meals or for a fun night in with friends.


  • 250g mushrooms
  • 1 cup grated mozzarella
  • 8 empanada masa circles
  • 1 egg
  • 2 beets
  • 2 cups arugula
  • 1/2 cup candied pecans
  • balsamic galce
  • extra virgin olive oil


  1. Preheat oven to 400F. Cut ends of beets, cover with aluminium foil, place baking dish and put in oven for 1 hour.
  2. Slice mushrooms and place in a sauté pan over medium heat with olive oil. Cook until liquid has evaporated, add salt and pepper.
  3. Separate the egg yolk and the egg white, beat them both and reserve the yolk. In each empanada circle place mushrooms and cheese, brush the sides with the egg white and fold, with a fork press on the sides to seal the empanada, repeat with each one.
  4. Place empanadas in a baking sheet, brush with the egg yolk for color and place in the oven for 20-25 mins, until puffed and golden brown.
  5. When beets are done, remove from oven and peal skin. Slice beets thinly for the salad.
  6. Place the sliced beets in he bottom, top with arugula and chopped candied pecans and drizzle extra virgin olive oil and balsamic glace on top. Place the empanadas alongside and enjoy!
Created using The Recipes Generator
Yield: 2 porcionesPin it

Empanadas de champiñones & queso con ensalada de betabel

preparación: 10 minscocción: 1 horatiempo total: 1 hora and 10 mins

Estas empanadas y ensalada es perfecta para una comida entre semana o para una noche divertida con amigos.


  • 250g champiñones
  • 1 taza de mozzarella rallada
  • 8 discos para empanadas
  • 1 huevo
  • 2 betabel
  • 2 tazas arugula
  • 1/2 taza palanqueta nuez
  • glace balsámico
  • aceite de oliva extra virgen


  1. Precalentar horno a 400F. Cortar los extremos del betabel, cubrir con papel aluminio, poner en un recipiente para hornear y poner en el horno por 1 hora.
  2. Rebanar los champiñones y cocinar en un sartén a fuego medio con aceite de oliva. Cocinar hasta que el líquido se evapore, agregar sal y pimienta.
  3. Separar la yema y clara del huevo, batir ambos por separado y reservar la yema. En cada disco de empanada poner champiñones y quedo, pintar con la clara de huevo las orillas, doblar y con un tenedor presionar la orilla para sellar, repetir con cada una. 
  4. Poner empanadas en una charola, pintar las empanadas con la yema de huevo para color, colocar en el horno por 10 - 25 mins, hasta infladas y con ligero color.
  5. Cuando el betabel quede listo, remover del horno y pelar. Rebanar delgadamente para la ensalada.
  6. Colocar las rebanadas de betabel, agregar arugula y pedazos de palanqueta nuez, rociar aceite de oliva extra virgen y glace balsamico. Poner empanadas en un lado y disfrutar!
Created using The Recipes Generator
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