Spring pasta salad

Spring pasta salad

Welcome Spring! For me nothing says spring more than bright beautiful yellow lemons and fresh crisp asparagus, warm yet cool weather, everything perfect to make a pasta salad.

This salad can be served hot, warm or cold, depending on your mood or maybe the weather, if it’s cool outside you may want a warmer salad, but if you want something more refreshing, at room temperature or cold is so good.

We ate this salad at room temperature because the day was warmer and the salad was a perfect way to enjoy a delicious meal outside in the terrace without having it be too hot.

This pasta is a dish perfect to accompany other meals elements, I made this pasta because BAE was making burgers for Sunday lunch, so the grilled burgers paired perfectly with my roasted veggies with creamy ricotta and lime.

For me this pasta is perfect for a terrace or outdoor meal, it is so filling and delicious you can enjoy it with a view or with nature itself, it really is the perfect spring meal.

Yield: 4-6 servings

Spring Pasta Salad

prep time: 10 Mcook time: 25 Mtotal time: 35 M
Welcome Spring! For me nothing says spring more than bright beautiful yellow lemons and fresh crisp asparagus, warm yet cool weather, everything perfect to make a pasta salad.


  • 300g cremini mushrooms
  • 1/2lb asparagus
  • 1 yellow lemon
  • 250g fresh ricotta cheese
  • 6 large sun dried tomatoes
  • 500g Casarecce pasta (or any other short pasta)
  • 125g bacon


  1. Preheat oven to 350F. Bring a pot of salted water to a boil, add pasta and cook until al dente.
  2. Cut large mushrooms in 4 parts and small/medium mushrooms in half. Cut asparagus into 1 1/1 in pieces. Place mushrooms in baking sheet, add a tablespoon of lemon zest, olive oil, salt and pepper and mix.
  3. Place vegetables in oven to cook for 10 minutes. Remove from oven and reserve.
  4. Cut bacon into small pieces and fry until golden brown, place in paper towels to remove excess oil. Cut sun dried tomatoes into small pieces and reserve.
  5. In a bowl place ricotta, juice of 1/2 lemon, 1 tablespoon of lemon zest, salt and pepper, mix and reserve.
  6. In a bowl combine the pasta, vegetables, tomatoes, and bacon, add the ricotta on top and enjoy.
Created using The Recipes Generator
Yield: 4-6 porciones

Ensalada de Pasta Para Primavera

preparación: 10 Mcocción: 25 Mtiempo total: 35 M
Bienvenida Primavera! Para mi nada dice que ya llegó la primavera como hermosas limas amarillas, frescos y crujientes espárragos y el clima caliente pero fresco, todos los elementos perfectos para una deliciosa ensalada de pasta.


  • 300g champiñones cremini
  • 1/2lb espárragos
  • 1 lima amarilla
  • 250g queso ricotta fresco
  • 6 tomates deshidratados grandes
  • 500g pasta casarecce (o cualquier otra corta)
  • 125g tocino


  1. Precalentar horno a 350F. Hervir una olla de agua con sal, agregar pasta y cocinar al dente.
  2. Cortar champiñones grandes en 4 partes y champiñones pequeños a la mitad. Cortar espárragos en pedazos de 1 1/2 pulgadas. En una charola agregar champiñones, espárragos, 1 cucharada de ralladura de lima, sal y pimienta y mezclar.
  3. Poner la charola en el horno y cocinar por 20 minutos. Remover del horno y reservar.
  4. Cortar tocino en pequeños trozos y cocinar hasta ligeramente tostado, poner sobre toallas de papel para quitar exceso de aceite. Cortar tomates deshidratados en pequeños pedazos y reservar.
  5. En un tazón combinar ricotta, jugo de 1/2 lima, 1 cucharada de ralladura de lima, sal y pimienta mezclar.
  6. En un tazón combinar pasta, vegetales, tomate deshidratado y tocino, agregar ricotta arriba y disfrutar.
Created using The Recipes Generator
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