Farrotto w/ carrots & green beans

Farrotto w/ carrots & green beans

I am always finding new ways to incorporate fiber and protein to my weekday meals without necessarily having to add meat to a dish, so I found that grains are a great source of both fiber and protein, and believe it or not very filling, one of my favorites is Farro.

Farro is one of the grains that provide a great source of protein and fiber, being very chewy and absorbing flavors great, it is a good ingredient to use as a base of the meal or as the star itself.

I decided to do a farrotto (instead of a risotto) with delicious filling vegetables that not only provide delicious flavors, but also beautiful colors to our dish (as they say, you first eat with the eyes). The great thing about this recipe is you can use whatever vegetables you have at hand, or whichever are your favorites, I decided to use carrot to provide a sweetness to the dish and green beans to give a little earthiness that would complement the parmesan cheese.

You may think this is a difficult dish, or that it takes a lot of time, but no! I love this recipe because it is one-pot recipe (you only dirty 1 pot) and so easy to follow you will be doing this one regularly.

When cooking the farro as you would risotto it is important to mention that cooked farro does not have the same cooked consistency as rice, the rice when fully cooked is soft and just a little firm in the middle, perfectly cooked farro still has a bit of a bite and it is a little chewy, giving it a different and consistency.

You can make this recipe as a meal in itself (as I did it for my meatless day meal) or you can use it as a side dish for any delicious meat, poultry or fish you want to pair it with.

Yield: 2 servings

Farrotto with carrots and green beans

prep time: 10 Mcook time: 25 Mtotal time: 35 M
Why do risotto when you can do farrotto! A delicious protein and fiber packed meal ready to be included in you weekly meals rotation.


  • 3/4 cup farro 
  • 1/2 small onion
  • 1 small garlic clove
  • 150g carrots (2 medium carrots)
  • 150g green beans
  • 1 3/4 cup chicken stock (or vegetable stock)
  • 125ml white wine (I used a Riesling, you can use whatever you have)
  • 1 tablespoon butter
  • 2 tablespoons grated parmesan cheese


How to cook Farrotto with carrots and green beans

  1. Chop half of the small onion, mince garlic clove, trim ends of green beans and cut crosswise at an angle, and cut carrots in 4 pieces lengthwise and then crosswise into small pieces.
  2. In a pot over medium heat with olive oil add carrots and cook halfway through, then add green beans and continue cooking until both vegetables are cooked but still firm. Season with salt and pepper, remove from pot and reserve. 
  3. In the same pot over medium heat add onion and cook until translucent, add garlic and cook until aromatic (about 30 seconds). Add farro and cook for 2 minutes, be careful not to burn, taste will be bitter.
  4. Add white wine and cook until all the liquid has evaporated. 
  5. Add 1 cup of chicken stock, bring to a boil, lower heat to simmer, and cook covered until all liquid has evaporated, add remaining 3/4 cup chicken stock, cover and cook until almost all liquid has evaporated, turn off heat.
  6. Add cooked vegetables, butter and parmesan, stir until butter is melted and cheese is combined, serve in 2 plates and enjoy!
Created using The Recipes Generator
Yield: 2 porciones

Farrotto con zanahoria y ejotes

preparación: 10 Mcocción: 25 Mtiempo total: 35 M
Porque hacer risotto cuando puedes hacer Farrotto! Una comida deliciosa llena de proteína y fibra lista para que la incluyas en tu recetario de la semana.


  • 3/4 taza farro
  • 1/2 cebolla paqueña
  • 1 diente ajo pequeño
  • 150g zanahora (2 medianas)
  • 150g ejotes
  • 1 3/4 taza caldo de pollo (o de vegetales)
  • 125ml vino blanco (utilice riesling, puedes usar el que tengas)
  • 1 cucharada mantequilla
  • 2 cucharadas queso parmesano rallado


How to cook Farrotto con zanahoria y ejotes

  1. Cortar media cebolla, picar ajo finamente, quitar extremos de ejote y cortar en un ángulo y cortar zanahoria en 4 pedazos a lo largo y en pequeñas piezas a lo ancho.
  2. En una olla a fuego medio con aceite de oliva agregar zanahoria y cocinar a la mitad, agregar ejotes y continuar cocinando hasta que ambos estén cocidos y firmes. Salpimentar, remover de la olla y reservar.
  3. En la misma olla a fuego medio con aceite de oliva agregar cebolla y cocinar hasta traslúcida, agregar ajo y cocinar hasta aromático (aprox. 30 segundos). Agregar farro y cocinar por 2 minutos, con cuidado que no se queme, se vuelve amargo.
  4. Agregar vino blanco y cocinar hasta que todo el liquido se evapore.
  5. Agregar 1 taza de caldo de pollo, dejar que hervir, bajar la flama a fuego lento, tapar y dejar cocinar hasta que el líquido se evapore, agregar 3/4 taza caldo de pollo y cocinar hasta que casi todo el líquido se evapore, apagar fuego.
  6. Agregar vegetales cocidos, mantequilla y parmesano, revolver hasta que la mantequilla este derretida y el queso mezclado, servir en 2 platos y disfrutar!
Created using The Recipes Generator
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